The Tourism Financial Group's Code of Ethics

As the human capital of Tourism Financial Group, we have joined forces as a big family within all job titles at all organizational levels with the utmost care, quality, intelligence, integrity, responsibility, and commitment to professional ethics and civility to foster the growth of Tourism Financial Group and fulfill its vision based on constructive interaction with stakeholders.

For a better life, the prosperity of the national economy, productive entrepreneurship, and the creation of sustainable competitive advantages in the banking sector, basic and downstream industries, and the value chain of private sector tourism, we will pursue facilitation, promotion, and innovation domestically and internationally with creativity, continuous effort, and the use of collective wisdom and knowledge-based technologies.

To accomplish our duty of social responsibility, mindful use, and the protection of the environment, natural resources, and our long-held national heritage, as we are safe keepers for future generations, we will stand accountable, pioneer the way, and take effective steps.

To take part in and promote the green tourism culture and map the strategic potentials of large and small businesses in our beloved country based on spatial planning and globalization of Iran's unique tourist attractions with clarifying the motto "Iran: the desire of global tourists," we will take action, move toward cocreation, and make targeted investments.

We believe that as a tightly-knit and synergetic team, we can transform the ecology of development into a dynamic and wisdom-oriented environment, and by promoting and supporting the youth and startups in the Tourism Financial Group, we can share the good feeling with everyone.

Useful links

Tourism Bank

Tourism Bank Information Technology Development Company


Iranian Negin Tourism Investment

Mahan Industries and Mines Expansion

Social media

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